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21 Project Erasmus Staff Mobility Application Deadline Prolongation

21 Project Erasmus Staff Mobility (Teaching and Training) applications have been extended until 28 April 2023 (17:00)* in order to evaluate the remaining grant from the 2021 budget, without affecting the existing applications.


*We strongly recommend that you do not leave your applications to the last day due to technical problems that may occur.

Mobility dates: 19 June 2023* - 31 October 2023


*When determining your mobility dates, the evaluation process of the applications and travel preparations (visa, flight ticket) should be taken into consideration. It is not possible to carry out the mobilities after 31 October due to the project dates.


Other conditions regarding the mobilities are as stated in the call for applications:


2021 Project Call for Applications

20 and 21 Projects Teaching and Training Seminar Presentation