Dear Students,
Click here to download the preliminary evaluation results of the International (GLOBAL) Exchange Program received via KION between 17:00 on September 30 - 15:00 on October 14.
Students who do not object to the preliminary evaluation results should send an e-mail to ozgenur.ozcelik@yeditepe.edu.tr by 13:00 on Wednesday.
- Students who clicked on the “Complete My Application” button on KION and completed their application were evaluated.
- Students whose GPAs were lower than 2.20 and who did not upload their transcripts to the KION system were not evaluated.
- VALID APPLICATIONS are eligible to take the English Language Proficiency Exam.
- Students who took the Erasmus English Language Proficiency Exam last year do not need to take the exam again, but they can take the exam if they want to increase their scores.
- On Thursday, 17.10.2024, between 09:00-13:00, the exam will be held in the Rectorate Building, 6th floor, classes 6H15, 6H19, 6H21, 6H23, 6H25.
- Students who are entitled to mobility as a prerequisite must take this exam.
- After the exam results, the final list will be created based on the students' GPAs and English Language Proficiency Exam results.
- Students who do not take the exam cannot participate in the mobility.
- The information in which class the students will take the exam will be written on the classroom doors.
For all your questions:
Özge Nur Özçelik - ozgenur.ozcelik@yeditepe.edu.tr
Click here for download the resullts of ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY EXAM.
If your score is below 60, your application will be rejected.
Students who do not object to the preliminary evaluation results should send an e-mail to ozgenur.ozcelik@yeditepe.edu.tr by 13:00 on Friday.