Grant distribution to students who were placed within the scope of 2024-2025 Erasmus Education Mobility has been completed.
Grant distribution results:
➔Traineeship Mobility (including PhD Mobility)
Click for Grant Distribution Criteria determined by Yeditepe University Erasmus Commission.
The National Agency has not yet announced the 2024 project grant amounts allocated to our University. Grant distribution has been made based on the amount expected to be allocated to our university, and due to the possibility of allocating a grant amount much lower than the anticipated, the grant allocation for Student Learning Mobility is not certain until the grant results of the 2024 contract period are announced by the National Agency. Following the announcement of the National Agency, the final announcement is expected to be made in August at the latest.
In both Education and Internship Mobilities;
1.“ HİBELİ” (With Grant) status are entitled to receive a grant.
2.In both Study and Internship Mobilities, students who are in “HİBESİZ" (Without Grant) status can participate in the activity without a grant, but students without a grant who participate in the activity are subject to all processes related to Erasmus. A zero grant contract will be signed.
Considering the number of students who give up each year, grants have been distributed above the budget possibilities, and the grants of students who cancel their activities in order to prevent budget overruns will not be transferred to the student in the ranking.
4.“FERAGAT EDEN” (Withdrawals) students are students who give up participating in Erasmus with their own will.
5.Students who wish to waive participation in the activity must submit their requests using the form below using the address Yeditepe.edu.tr by June 30, 2024. After this date, for cancellations not based on force majeure, -10 points will be applied to the next application.
WITHDRAWAL FORM: https://forms.gle/Cj6oQ9P4yNL6Csb98
6.Visa support letters will be received from Turna Portal, follow the steps below:
My Applications > 2024/2025 Education > Procedures > Request Visa Letter
7.Please fill out the form in the link below for the support letters requested for the SGK (Social Security Institution) Letter. (FALL Semester students are prioritized. We kindly request that Spring Semester students do not fill out this form, as their procedures will begin in September-October.)
SGK LETTER REQUEST FORM: https://forms.gle/HKzbdAGTcrxFf4EG7
In Study Mobility;
8.Students who chose Fall - Spring (1 Academic Year) were evaluated as the FALL semester. Students who preferred the summer semester were evaluated as the SPRING semester.
9.Students who are in the "KABUL" status in the placement can be placed in the quota of the partner university that becomes vacant due to the withdrawal of the activity, and the students in the "YEDEK" status in the placement can be placed in the SPRING semester.
Fall semester students must submit their requests that they want to change their semester to spring using the form below using the address Yeditepe.edu.tr by June 30, 2024.
TERM CHANGE FORM: https://forms.gle/UBati87hHXm9UXfS6
1.For Study Mobility: After the grant amount that the National Agency will allocate to our University for the 2024 Project is determined, a grant agreement will be made with the students who are eligible to receive the grant after the final grant lists of our University are announced and the acceptance letter is received from the partner university.
For Traineeship Mobility: The grant agreement must be prepared before your activity begins.
Click to make an appointment: https://calendly.com/yeditepeerasmus/hibe-sozlesmesi-randevusu-grant-agreement-appointment (For appointments between 12-14 June, July appointments will be announced later with a different link).
2.Documents to be completed for the grant agreement: CHECK LIST (The deadline for document upload is 2 weeks before your arrival in the host country, before signing the grant agreement.)
3.Grant payments are made in two installments. 80% of the total anticipated amount is paid before the activity. The total progress payment amount after the activity is calculated by taking into account the participation certificate and (if necessary) passport entries and exits, and the difference between the first payment and the first payment is paid as the second installment.
4. Additional grant support is allocated to students who upload the necessary documents to the application system at the application stage and whose documents are approved, under the conditions specified in the application call.
1.Deduction due to academic failure
1.Educational mobility; Students are obliged to be successful in at least ½ of the total ECTS credits (15 ECTS / 30 ECTS) they received at the partner university. A 20% deduction is made from the total progress payment amount calculated after the activity from the grant of students who cannot meet the required success criteria.
2.If it is determined that academic failure (0 ECTS acquisition) is due to students not taking any courses/exams, the full grant will be refunded.
2.Missing document deductions
1.If no post-mobility documentation or documents proving participation in the mobility (participation certificate or post-return transcript (ToR) that can replace it) are completed in accordance with the announced dates, a full refund will be requested.
2.A 20% deduction will be made from the total progress payment amount of students who do not fill out the EU Participant survey after the activity.
3.Time cuts
1.In cases where it is clearly known that the start-end date of the activity on the participation certificate does not include the actual dates or that the student leaves the host institution (city / country) on the dates when the education or internship should continue under normal circumstances, excluding public holidays, it is deemed necessary to conduct additional research and the student is uninterruptedly 7 days a week. If it is determined that the host institution has been separated for more than (seven) calendar days (including weekends), no grant payment will be made for the total number of days of absence. If a payment has already been made, a refund of the payment is requested.
For your questions: outgoing@yeditepe.edu.tr