Grants for students who withdrew or whose activities were canceled after the interim report have been redistributed to those in "RESERVE" status for the grant. Click here for the results.
As stated in the announcement made on December 18, 2024 (click here for all details mentioned in the announcement), grants for students selected for the Fall semester who did not sign the grant agreement and did not commit to participating in activities during the Spring semester (by filling out the commitment form) have been canceled. The status of these students is listed as "CANCELED" in the "Placement Results / WITHDRAWAL / CANCELLATION" column.
If you believe there is an error in your information or would like to file an objection, please contact outgoing@yeditepe.edu.tr by January 17, 2025. If there are any changes to your status, please complete the relevant forms by the same date, January17,2025.
In any case, students who fail to complete one of these forms within 15 days—by 28 January will lose their grant eligibility.
The grants of students who filled out the withdrawal form as mentioned above have been distributed to students in the "RESERVE" status. The status of these students is indicated in the "RESULT" column as either "MAIN - Unit-based grant allocation (2nd Distribution)" or "MAIN - University-based grant allocation (2nd Distribution)."
It is mandatory for all students, whether receiving a grant or not, to sign a grant agreement. Activities carried out without signing an agreement cannot be considered within the scope of Erasmus!
An ADDITIONAL GRANT AGREEMENT will be signed with Fall semester students who have been granted a grant through this announcement. If not already submitted, YapıKredi Euro account details must be provided to the Office. The Office will contact you regarding this matter.
The agreement must be signed before the end of your activity. Otherwise, payment cannot be made.
Spring semester students must complete the documents listed in the CHECKLIST (Visa, LA, Insurance, Acceptance Letter, Flight Ticket, YapıKredi Euro Account details, etc.) and schedule an appointment with the Office to sign the agreement.