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2023-2024 Erasmus Study And Traineeship Application Call

2023-2024 Erasmus Study and Traineeship applications are started. Study Application Call Traineeship Application Call Click for information seminars.

2023-2024 Erasmus Doctoral Mobilities Application Call

E-mails regarding applications and technical problems can be answered until 23 December 2022. It is the responsibility of the students to complete the application completely by the application deadline.

Visa Support And SGK (Social Security Institution) Letter Request Form

Dear Students, As it was stated in the orientation programme, in order to facilitate your visa procedures, a visa letter is being provided, which mentions that you are participating the study/traineeship mobility within the scope of Erasmus programme and a SGK (Social Security Institution) letter for students’ who are participating the mobility in a country that has an agreement with the Social Security Institution. The documents must be requested by e-mail at least 5 working days BEFORE THE VISA APPOINTMENT DAY , together with the acceptance letter and academic calendar received from the University/Institution that you are accepted. We kindly request you to not call separately as it will be a time loss to call and ask for your documents on the same day. Document requests will not be provided on the same day under any terms and conditions in order to prevent a possible error/mistake.

Erasmus Outgoing Student Question & Answer Session

All students who will be participating in Erasmus mobility in the next semester or who plan to participate in the upcoming years are invited to Q&A Sessions. Participation is limited to 100 people. It is recommended you to enter the meeting earlier.


Dear Students; Students who participate in the Erasmus Study Mobility in the fall semester of 2022-2023 and want to extend it to the spring semester of 2022-2023 must complete until 28 October 2022 the following processes: Please fill in this form with the below attachments for an extension request. In order for your extension request to be approved, the Learning Agreement Before the Mobility document must be prepared, signed by all parties and uploaded to the KION - Extension Documents part.

2023 Spring Term Erasmus Study Mobility Orientation Program

2023 Spring term Erasmus Study Mobility Orientation Program 30 SEPTEMBER FRIDAY 14:00 16:00 ENGLISH SESSION

2022-2023 Educational Mobility (FALL TERM) Q&A Session

2022-2023 Öğrenim Hareketliliği (GÜZ DÖNEMİ) programına katılacak öğrencilerimiz için düzenlenecektir. Tüm sorularınız için lütfen Soru-Cevap Oturumuna katılınız. Soru-Cevap Oturumunda verilen bilgiler bireysel olarak ofiste veya e-mail ile verilemeyecektir.

Erasmus Personel Hareketliliği Değerlendirme Sonuçları

22-23 ERASMUS PERSONEL HAREKETLİLİKLERİ DEĞERLENDİRME SONUÇLARI (2020 Sözleşme Dönemi) Senato kararıyla belirlenen ve başvuru çağrısında belirtilen “değerlendirme kriterleri” çerçevesinde Üniversitemiz Erasmus Komisyonu tarafından değerlendirilen başvuru sonuçları aşağıdadır.

2022-23 Erasmus Education Mobility Grant Agreement Appointment

Dear Student, Students who are entitled to benefit from the 2022-23 Erasmus Study Mobility program (with and without grants) should make an appointment from the link below for the preparation of the Grant Agreements before your Erasmus mobility starts

New OLS Platform EU Academy Membership And Exam Entry

Dear Students, As you have been informed in the orientation program, before your Erasmus Mobility you should take OLS (Online Language Assessment) language exam which is required by the European Commission to examine the language development of our students.
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