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Erasmus English Make-Up Exam

Dear Students, To the attention of our students who could not take the Erasmus English Proficiency Exam on 22/02/2022 due to a force majeure. Please fill out the form below until Tuesday, 28/02/2023, 17:00 on so that we can evaluate the make-up exam requests.

2023-2024 Erasmus Language Exam Current Schedule

Dear Students, First of all, we express our deep regret for the earthquake disaster in our country, and we would like to convey our best wishes and condolences. We hope you and your family are doing well. The current dates, times and places of Erasmus Language exams planned are given in the table below.

2023-2024 Erasmus Foreign Language Exam Postponement - UPDATE

Dear Students, Erasmus Foreign Language exams planned to take place this week have been postponed to a later date.

2023-2024 Erasmus Foreign Language Exam Announcement

The students will not be eligible to participate in the Erasmus program even if our students who are in the following situations are successful in the foreign language exam, The students who are in the following situation, will not be eligible to participate in the Erasmus program even if they pass the Erasmus exam.

2023-2024 Erasmus Student Mobility Applications

2023 - 2024 ERASMUS STUDENT MOBILITY APPLICATIONS FINAL LIST 1-VALID APPLICATIONS (GEÇERLİ BAŞVURU) are entitled to take the foreign language exams. a. Students who meet the minimum requirements indicated in the call for application Minimum GPA grade checks continue. Students who cannot meet minimum GPA points cannot participate in the activity even if they are successful in the foreign language exam they take. GEÇERLİ BAŞVURULAR yabancı dil sınavlarına girmeye hak kazanmıştır. Başvuru çağrısında belirtilen asgari şartları karşılayan öğrenciler GNO liyakat notu kontrolleri devam etmektedir. Sehven ya da yanlış ibraz sebebiyle liyakat notunun altında kalan öğrenciler yabancı dil sınavlarına girip başarılı olsalar bile faaliyete katılmaya hak kazanamazlar.

Office Hours

Question & Answer Session:


This recording was prepared for Yeditepe University students. Use outside of its purpose and target audience is subject to our permission.

2023-2024 Erasmus Mobilities Information Seminars

For our students who cannot attend the seminars due to the participation limit, the meeting will be recorded and published on the YouTube channel. Participation link:
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