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Internationalization Strategy

Yeditepe believes that sharing experiences is the best way to promote Erasmus mobility. As the Erasmus Office, we are planning to organize seminars for the potential outgoing students to inform them about the outcomes of Erasmus mobility. The guest speakers would consist of former Erasmus students so that they can share their mobility experiences, both for study and internship. The idea is to organize different events for different countries, providing life experiences for each country.
Another way to promote Erasmus activities is by using the office's social media accounts to share the memories of former Erasmus students. Recently social media accounts are the easiest and fastest way to contact students. That's why our institute developed a new marketing strategy to include social media more often. We hold interviews with our incoming students about their experience in Turkey and Yeditepe. Sharing these interviews on social media accounts and keeping these accounts interactive by replying to comments and messages is a recent approach to promote Erasmus activities.
We organize seminars with the faculty coordinators, explaining to them how the Erasmus mobility works, both for studies and internship. We appraise the coordinators about the full-recognition so they would inform and lead the students correctly. Students are highly likely to keep the advice of their coordinators and attend mobility.
Our Dean of Students Office also organizes orientations for the freshmen, explaining about the Erasmus activities and advising them about how to plan their academic years to include at least one semester of Erasmus mobility. Staff members are highly motivated to attend mobility by our office as we often gather meetings about the positive outcomes of Erasmus mobility. We promote Erasmus activities among our staff members by notifying them about the funds, research cooperation possibilities, and the positive impacts of international work experience.

In order to provide the high quality in mobilities and to be sure all the students are well prepared for the exchange programmes, Yeditepe gives importance to follow the principles of the Charter. Aiming to follow the principles of the Charter, it is our duty to be sure all our staff members comply with the principles in the most correct way.
As transparency is an important fact for the Erasmus programme, students and staff will easily access the Erasmus+ Charter. English and Turkish version of the Charter will be uploaded to the University’s home and International Office page.
Yeditepe will be sure that our staff members comply with the principles of ECHE in terms of our development in the field of internationalization. In order to follow the principles of the Charter, University will be in contact with the related departments such as; Consultation and Coordination Centre for Students with Disabilities to fully support the students with special needs, Directorate of Student Affairs for the full recognition process’, Dean of the Students for psychological counselling, Directorate of Career Development and Alumni Relations to increase students' professional, social and intercultural skills and employability and other departments/offices if necessary. University will encourage the academic and administrative members to use The ECHE Self-Assessment Tool whenever a new activity about the programme is introduced in order to determine how the staff members are implementing the principles of the ECHE.
It will be used as a reference to detect goals and evaluate the institution’s progress which will also be a key factor in developing a better institutional strategy.